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A Horses View of the World

* Arena: Place where humans can take the fun out of forward motion

* Bit: Means by which a rider's every motion is transmitted to the sensitive tissue of the mouth.

* Bucking: counterirritant

* Crossties: gymnastic apparatus

* Dressage: Process by which some riders can eventually be taught to respect the bit.

* Fence: Barrier that protects good grazing

* Grain: Sole virtue of domestication

* Hitching rail: Means by which to test one's strength

* Horse trailer: Mobile cave bear den

* Hot walker: The lesser of two evils

* Jump: And opportunity for self-expression

* Latch: Type of puzzle

* Longeing: Procedure for keeping a prospective rider at bay

* Owner: Human assigned responsibility for one's feeding

* Rider: Owner overstepping its bounds

* Farrier: Disposable surrogate owner; useful for acting out aggression without compromising food supply.

* Trainer: Owner with mob connections

* Veterinarian: Flightless albino vulture

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